Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day Eight

We were going to put off our San Diego Zoo trip due to Sammy's injuries, but she didn't have any swelling this morning & we thought she would rest better if we left her alone. I was worried to leave my baby, but Mike promised me she would be ok.
So we headed to the San Diego Zoo around 7:20 this morning. That was a little later then we wanted to leave, but we made to the zoo by around 9. It was a really pretty drive with mountains on one side & the water on the other. We did hit some traffic, but we both wouldn't mind making the trip again.
The zoo had an amazing koala bear exhibit, with about 15-20 koalas!! Really neat!! They had a neat exhibit that had combined wild animals with dogs, like a cheetah & a dog. Kate loved the apes that were right next to the glass. She also loved picking leaves & playing in the polar bear exhibit. My favorites were the koalas, panda bears & polar bears. Mike liked the peacocks that were just walking around. Their elephant exhibit was really big with 7 elephants! We also loved the baby giraffe!! It was born in March & was the same size as Mike when it was born!
The kids did really great! Kate spent most of the time walking, but did want Mike to carry her at times & she also rode in the stroller. Alex was super great & also took a nap in the stroller, which is good because we plan to stay ALL day at Disney!!
We were at the zoo from 9 until 3, and both kiddos slept most of the way home.
Once home, Mike took Sammy to the vet. The vet said it looked great & that the pit bull didn't do any damage to the muscle in Sammy's leg so she will have a full recovery! She has about 6 stitches on one leg & about 2 stitches on the other leg. She is walking without a limp tonight!! We have to take her back in 10 days to get the stitches out & sadly she can't be in water until after that. So sad-I guess we won't be visiting the dog beach again any time soon.

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