I have two friends, Katie & Christy, who just had their first baby girls about 2 weeks or so after I had Alex and their blog posts about their new little ones has inspired me to try to blog more about little Alex and what he is doing. So here goes:
Alex is really starting to smile alot at us. He loves when we make faces at him. He loves for us to talk to him! And he is starting to make all those baby talking noises back to us! He also is able to grab things, like toys and he has even gotten his hands on my hair and Kate's!
He is pretty much sleeping 5-7 hours at night. I try to nurse him between 9-10pm and he will usually sleep/not eat again until anywhere between 3-5 in the morning. Then in the morning he will mostly sleep and eat every 3 hrs. After lunch, he seems to be fussy and seems to get even more fussy in the early evening. Most afternoons he eats every 2 hours or sooner. Kate was pretty much on a nursing schedule by now, but Alex, well I'm trying! He is just such a different baby! I mean he cries ALOT more than Kate EVER did!! But I think we are all getting used to hearing him cry!
At night while we put Kate to bed, we usually put Alex in his room in his crib and then we don't hear from him at all pretty much the whole time we are putting Kate down. He loves it in there! I don't know what it is about that room, but I think he is going to be very happy in it! He also loves being on one of the play mats that we have. Kate also loved it. He also loves to be bounced!! I will sit back in our recliner and bounce him on my legs--that's how I keep getting him to sleep and then become trapped by him sleeping on me most afternoons! He also loves being bounced in his vibrating chair!
Here are some cute pictures of my baby boy at 8 weeks:
As I was trying to take Alex's 2 mth photos with the sign and football, Kate for some reason, wanted to get in the picture with Alex. It seems to be a rare occasion these days where she wants to have pictures taken OF her, she usually wants my camera!! IF you will remember the scary photos we tried to take of the two of them for Halloween--these are so much better. Too bad Kate is in her PJ's and looks like she hasn't brushed her hair in 3 days!!
Let's just hope that on Sunday when we take our family photos, she acts the same way!!
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