Monday, August 30, 2010

Mother's Day Out!

Kate will start her Mother's Day Out program next week! I am super excited for her and I hope that she loves it! We went to an open house last Thursday and she seemed to like the toys in her classroom and was just running around having too much fun! We saw a little boy screaming and holding on to his Mom for dear life and we thought Kate could not be more different than that! I think she is really going to enjoy MDO. I just worry about the whole nap thing. She really only naps about maybe 3 times a week now. She will play in her room for 2 hours and not cry, but really will only nap about 3 times a week. At MDO they are expected to nap while they are there--I worry that she won't nap and be a problem! But we will see!

She seems to know all of her letters now. She will get E and F confused sometimes and still has her own made up word for W. She also seems to know her numbers 1-10. We have started to work on colors and she can say yellow, purple, and pink, but everytime we ask her what color anything is--she says "Yellow"!! We will keep working on that! She has also started to response to the TV, like repeating things they say or doing the action she is being asked to do. She also has been picking up words/sounds in songs and will say them during the song. She has finally started to make animal sounds the last few weeks and is naming animals really well. I love the way she says Elephant. As I was saying earlier, she doesn't nap every day and well she started to be a bit destructive in her room! Also, we had to call the poison control for the first time last week since she climbed on her drawers to get to the top of her dresser and ate some Destine (diaper rash cream). Mike said the lady seemed like they get that call alot and told us not to worry that she just might have some diarrhea. So therefore, Kate's room is now pretty bare!! Her closet is overflowing with all her stuff!! I am about to take everything out of the drawers!!

Kate seems to have no idea how her life is about to change. Being the oldest myself, I sorta feel sorry for her! I know she will probably not remember being an only kid, but I just want to treasure each day with her since it will never be just her and me ever again!! Makes me sad . . .

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