Monday, August 30, 2010

At least I tried . . . .

So I tried to get some pictures of Kate taken for her upcoming 2nd Birthday at JCPenney. We went there every month her whole first year of life, but we haven't been there since Christmas time. So 2 weeks ago, we go and she was in a great mood and looked super cute in her ladybug dress; then the second we stepped into the studio she started crying and wouldn't let go of me!! I was completely shocked by this! What was going on?? Oh, the lady at JCPenney worked soo hard with her, but she was only happy inside the studio playing on the motorcycle that they had as a prop! And after 15 minutes of her crying and nothing working--not singing, not Mommy acting silly, not her favorite books, not Minnie Mouse and not raisins-- so I just said "what the h*ll, let her take her pictures on the motorcycle!" So here are the results:

AND yes, it is ok to laugh!! Like I said--at least I tried!!

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