Friday, September 30, 2011

Sick, but happy Alex

On Sunday night I headed to Dallas to visit my cousin Jenn & to help her with her 2 month old baby, Vivian.  Mike's parents & Mike watched the kiddos while I was gone.  Luckily for Jenn, Vivian is sleeping thur the night, but gosh I forgot how much work a new baby is!!  Jenn is pumping & giving Vivian bottles with her milk, so I spent a lot of my time there washing bottles & pump stuff!  It is so much work to do bottles & pump--I didn't realize how easy I had it with being able to breastfeeding both my babies!!  To all you mamas out there that pump & then feed that to your baby in a bottle--my hands go up to you--it is so much work!!!
Jenn & Vivian

Anyhow, on Tuesday morning, Mike thought Alex felt a little warm, but he was acting ok & didn't really worry about it.  Alex also had some diarrhea Monday morning (which Mike didn't tell me about).  I got home Tuesday night just in time to put the kiddos to bed & the next morning Alex seemed fine to me.  We took Kate to school, stopped by Target & then headed to Metro park for our playdate.  Alex seemed fine there, except he wanted me to hold him for a while before we left, but I thought that was because he had missed me (silly me)!  Anyhow, when we got home he sorta felt warm to me & had had some more diarrhea, he had already gone 2x that morning which I thought was a little weird, but I thought maybe he had eaten something weird/different during the time I was gone.  He didn't seem as interested in his lunch as he usually is, but I thought he was just tired from playing at the park.  He went down for his nap with no problem & woke up fine & ate his snack.  We headed out to meet Mike's parents at Cheys & then Alex throws up all over Mike's Dad!! Yuck!!

We head home & I take Alex's temperature & it's like over 104!  So I give him meds, rub him with a cold cloth & call the Dr.  I get an appt in like an hour or so & go eat some dinner.  Poor Alex, he just kept pointing at everyone's food & crying because he wanted some!!

His fever is quickly brought down by the meds & he is his happy self again when we head out to see the DR.  The Dr. looks him over & decides it's a stomach virus, but does a blood test to make sure.

So all day Thursday he was running with fever over 102 & continued to have fever today until late afternoon.  I think it is finally gone!  His diarrhea has stopped & he didn't threw up at all today.  It's really sad when you are happy to see a fever of 103, after his fever got as high as 105 yesterday!!  My poor baby!

After his nap today he cried straight for almost an hour.  I think his belly was really hurting him!!  My poor baby!

So far no one else in the family has gotten it.  We kept Kate home from preschool today just in case!

Here's to a fever free weekend!!

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