Thursday, September 8, 2011

Alex at ONE

I can't believe my baby boy is ONE!  This last year has gone by so fast!

When Alex was inside my belly, he didn't move much (very opposite of Kate).  At his 20 week ultrasound, I had to drink OJ to get him moving, BUT with Kate we were there like an extra 20 minutes because Kate was moving SO much!! I think I should have known then how different these kiddos would be!  Kate was having soccer practice inside me all day long, while I had to make sure I felt Alex at least once a day!!  Well, outside the womb they have been just as different!!  Kate was just the most perfect baby, glad we had her first, because Alex has been a challenge!   From crying in the car, to crying every afternoon, to wanting to EAT a lot, goodness!!  It has been a tough year, but I wouldn't change a thing!

At one, Alex is a BUSY happy boy!  He loves to eat, dance to music, being read to, chasing a ball and being chased!!  But over all that, he LOVES to eat!!  I love that he will eat just about everything I give him!  He pretty much eats whatever we are eating and most of the time he eats more than Kate!  I sometimes feel like he would just sit in his high chair and be happy to eat ALL day!

He now not just walks, but RUNS!  He is fast and for sure keeps us on our toes!  He loves to bring me balls to throw and then he will point and say "Go, Go, Go" and go get the ball.  He also now loves to bring me books, jump in my lap and let me read to him (FINALLY!!)  He loves outside and to swing.  He loves to be chased, he will just run and laugh, it's so cute!  He has a thing for belly buttons and is always looking for mine, Mike's and Kate's!  I think he even has a little word he says for belly button!

I stopped breastfeeding Alex on Sunday night and well, I think it bothered me more than it bothered him.  He really didn't seem to care.  He loves whole milk and just drinks it down!

He is still only taking one nap a day, in the afternoon.  Three days a week, he will be taking very short naps since we have to pick Kate up from preschool.  But on Wednesday he seemed to adjust OK, I think those nights he will just go to bed earlier!

Alex is a super friendly guy!  He loves to wave HI to people everywhere we go!  He also will start waving bye, bye as soon as he hears that word. So cute!  He also loves to say "YEAH" and clap his hands.

One of the many things he does that Kate really never did, was want to throw things into the toilet and play with toilet paper.  I have to make sure the toilet seat is always down and with Kate potty training he is always in our way!!

I love his toothy grin (4 teeth with 2 coming in now) and how he will shake his body to dance!  I love the admiring way he looks at Kate and how he gets so excited to see Mike at the end of the day.  I love what a tough kid he is, meaning he gets knocked down by Kate and her friends and well, doesn't cry, but goes back for more!  I love how he never wants to get out of the bathtub and how he always wants to eat whatever I am eating!  I love how he holds on to his blanket or stuffed animals while he is sleeping.  I love that he will play in his crib after waking up and not fuss!

Most of all, I love that he is my sweet little buddy!!  And I wish he would stop growing up so fast!

So that's Alex at one!

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