Thursday, September 22, 2011

My KatieBug at 3

I still can't believe my baby is 3!  Time is really going by too fast!

Kate is such a sweet, funny,cute and stubborn 3 year old!  She still loves to sing and dance and watch movies.  She is talking a lot more with tons of funny phases like "did you see that," "what's happening guys?" "oh goodness, " and there are a ton more!  She is almost at the point where you can have a conversation with her!!  She amazes me on how much she picks up from what Mike and I say to her.  She still repeats a lot of what we say back to us, but she is getting better. I love that she will randomly say to us "I'm having a good time" and "I'm happy."  And I am waiting for the day she says SH*T at preschool!

Her song recognition amazes me!  We listen to a pop station here in Austin all the time and since it plays the same like 10 songs all day, she pretty much knows them all. She will ask us, who is this singing?  And then the next time she hears the song, she will remember who it is!  She will usually recoginize what song it is before I do!  She sings all the time and it's super cute to listen to!

Potty training is really going great!  She still will fight to go if "I" suggest she goes, so if it is HER idea she will have no problem with going.  She is even able to do it almost completely by herself.  We are still working on her going #2 on the potty, she will wait until she has a diaper on at nap or nightime to go.

Kate seems to be a bit of a hoarder (not really I just say that LOL).  She will try to carry around like a million toys at once.  This resulted in her trying to carry all these things up and down the stairs and it was getting dangerous on our new stairs, so I had to make the "pick one and that's it" rule.  Now Kate will say this every morning before walking down the stairs and drop everything but the ONE thing she has chosen to take downstairs!

She is still a great sleeper at night, but naps are very up in air.  She seems to still need a nap, but does ok without one but will be very tired by bedtime.  On the days she does nap, she could be up until, well lets just say she might still be a wake when Mike and I go to bed!  It's crazy!  Her favorite thing to do in her new room is to watch our neighbors dogs from her windows at night.

She seems to love preschool and a few days I had to dang her out from under a table with her crying to leave!!  She loves her teachers, Ms Lauri and Ms Felicia.  Ms Lauri actually told me that Kate did "perfect"in class!  She still isn't napping at school but will sit on her mat and read books being very quiet.

Kate seems to love her baby brother Alex.  She will sometimes be super sweet to him but does still push him over and take toys from him often.  One morning on our way somewhere she was talking/making faces at him and he was just laughing SO much.  It was so neat to hear that.  She will worry about him when he cries and will watch after him if I ask her to.  She loves to give his cup back to him (after he has throw it on the floor) and to feed him Cheerios.

Kate loves to count, well everything.  She can somewhat count to 30 (she seems to forgot 16).  I think she knows most of her letters, but it is hard to get her to work on them.  She knows all the primary colors and even most shapes.  She is still a very independent player and will spend hours looking at books.  It's really neat to hear her "read" books to us.  It's amazing to me the memory she has when it comes to books and songs!

Eating is still a challenge with Kate.  I never know from one day to another what she will eat.  She does seem to still love all fruit and peanut butter crackers.  She did finally start to eat bananas and pasta at least!  She loves to drink lemonade and will ask for it all day long.  She was eating cereal with milk in a bowl every morning, that is until I gave her cinnamon toast and now she wants cinnamon toast every morning!!  She loves it!  She still hasn't really eaten cake, but she loves rice krispie treats, ice cream and icing.  But she can drink from a "big girl" cup, as she calls it.

She has finally learned how to jump and she wants to jump off of everything!!  She is so fearless sometimes that it scares me.  She loves to go down the tallest and fastest slide at any bouncy house thing.  She will try to climb up crazy things at playgrounds and loves to play in any indoor play scape.  She makes friends with ease when she is playing, but she will still get bashful at times.

She still looks just like Mike (but with long curly blond hair!)  She is tall and skinny, just like Mike and I and she has my crazy small and wide feet!  She is starting to get freakles and always has scrapes on her legs from playing outside.  Even though she looks like Mike, she does a lot of my facial expressions and sounds.

Kate really is a big girl now and not a baby anymore.

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