Rare pictures of the kiddos together. Kate wants to be taking the pictures these days instead of letting me take them of her. She will push the button on the camera and say "cheese." Alex was just playing on the floor as he usually is and Kate just went and laid down next to him. I had the camera close by so I took those pictues!
Kate is still being such a sweet big sister! She seems to really love Alex. She is excited to see him every morning and even when he wakes up from a nap. She can always get him to laugh and to calm down when he is crying. She is also talking so much lately (and I can actually understand her.) She is starting to put sentences together and has finally started to say "Dora"! She had made up a word for Dora and I have been working really really hard with her to say Dora!! She still loves to sing and can sing these songs: Happy birthday to you, Old McDonald had a farm, Pop goes the weasel, Monkeys jumping on the bed, ABC song, I'm a little teapot, this is just a few that she knows--there are more!! She also has learned her colors pretty well now.
Alex, oh he is just growing up too fast! He is tummy crawling all over the place and seems to be frustrated that he can't go faster! He is still eating a lot and taking better naps during the day. He can sit up by himself, but he will still randomly throw himself back or fall over sideways! He is just so cute!
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