Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Maui Day 4

Kids woke us up about an hour later then yesterday, so little better.  We headed out to Haleakala National Park.  It took us about 1 1/2 hours to get to the top of this volcano at 10,000 feet.  Mike kept saying he didn't think that our little car was going to make it!!  This road called Haleakala Highway holds the world record for climbing to the highest elevation in the shortest distance of 38 miles.  It was really beautiful on the drive up. Most people go up at sunrise to see the sun come up and then bike down, so we saw tons of people on  bikes coming down the volcano.  As we were nearing the top, we were in a cloud with rain and it was cold!  Kate was actually scared!  This is how excited they were to see the top of a volcano:

What it looked like a the top for us:
What I found on Google images:

We saw lots of rainbows!!

Pretty views

After driving down, we headed back to our town & checked out all the local shops.  We only have a few days left with the car, so we were checking out where we could go on bus for the next 2 weeks.  We will get a car again a few days before leaving.  Looks like it will be about a 12 minute bus ride to get food.

We got to the condo, ate lunch & chilled until 3pm when our condo has a Mai Tai party!  Live music, Hulu dancers & Mai Tais poolside!  Super fun!
Kate & Alex with their Mai Tais & I us with ours.
I think Mike had about 7!!  We headed upstairs for dinner, then played uno together.
Super fun family time!!

Now watch some TV & head to bed!

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