Saturday, July 23, 2011

Walking Alex

Well, I can for sure now say that Alex is a walker. He can walk across the playroom & seems to be doing more walking than crawling now. He also does this weird thing of walking on his knees. Many of the moms gave him funny looks for that one yesterday! Today he just used Sammy as a step tool to climb up on the couch! He is still a pretty happy guy & seems to always to be on the go (so different than Kate.). He is pretty much eating only table food & seems to eat almost everything I give him & never seems full!! For lunch the other day I think he ate more than I did! He is still dancing to music & loves to stand on the sit-in-spin (it makes music when you move it.). He still has no interest in watching TV & still loves his big sis.

Kate is doing great & taking & singing more & more every day! In this new house we have this sound system thing where you push a button on the wall & you can listen to the radio. Kate loves it & asks to play the music in every room she is in. So now she knows the words to all the songs that are played on the radio station Mike & I like to listen to. She really loves Katy Perry. She is really into the movie cars & wants to watch it every day!!! She was doing really really well with potty training, that is until we moved. Now we are taking a break from potty training & are back in diapers. We will start back to potty training soon.

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