Thursday, July 7, 2011

Alex at 10 months

Oh, my sweet happy baby boy Alex is 10 months today. I can't believe in only 2 months he will be one!! Wow, his first year really is flying by!!

About Alex, he is really a happy baby now & can finally play by himself without me in the same room. He is still sleeping all night long, since his two top front teeth have both broke thur. He now has 4 teeth! So weird to me, since Kate only had one I think at her first birthday. He takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap, which is really nice!! I just weaned him to only 2 breastfeeding a day, once in the morning & at night. He is so great with eating!! I feel like almost anything I put in front of him he will eat!! He loves to feed himself & makes a huge mess!! He almost always will put his hands in his hair! He will eat grapes, bananas, plums, watermelon, cheese, peaches, beef, chicken, sweet potatoes, bread, yogurt & hot dogs. He seems to love to eat!!

He has been enjoying music class, he dances a lot, that is when I'm not chasing him from crawling away!!

He is so different than Kate!! Kate would let us read to her & she would sit & look at books for long periods of time & she still does this. I have been trying to read books to Alex & I'm not having much luck! He just doesn't want to sit still!!

Walking! Yes he can do it!! He still crawls pretty much everywhere, but if he is standing & it's only 2-3 steps away, he will walk. And he is fast!! We don't have any gates up downstairs so I have to either take him with me wherever I go, or put him in his highchair.

Both kiddos have adjusted well to the new house & they both LOVE the big playroom!!! Kate was so funny-i hadn't cleaned up the playroom from the day before & she said "what a mess!"

So that about sums up what Alex is up too at 10 months old (everything!!)

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