Monday, February 15, 2010

Throwing up

Well, last week was a long week. Kate's molars are still trying to come in and she was fussy most of the week. I was throwing up a lot and well just really feeling yucky! I hope I am not scarring Kate for life by throwing up into the sink almost every morning! She just seems to look at me and then drink her milk and eat a cheerio. I finally did go out at night-Wednesday my Mom's group had our bookclub meeting and I had a great time! It was great to see everyone and I made it thought the evening without throwing up!!
This weekend, Mike's Dad came into town so he gave me a bit of a break. We really didn't do much but watch the Olympics. And that's how we spent Valentines Day, also, just watching the Olympics.

I hope everyone had a great Valentines day!

1 comment:

lltanderson said...

you poor girl! somehow, livie never noticed me barfing into the sink when i was pg with quinn. at least kate's not laughing at you. when she was little, my crying made livie laugh!