Monday, July 4, 2016

Will as a ONE year old

Will is such a fun ONE year old!  He loves playing peek-a-boo, giving high fives, walking with his hands up, clapping, and dancing.  He also loves to use his hands to make noises with his mouth.  He sticks out his tongue all the time and is always looking for the remote!  He likes to pet Trudy and Maui and then try to poke their eyes!  He still loves anything with wheels and books and he really loves the new lego blocks he got for his birthday.  He is super pudgy and has crazy wavy blonde hair.  He's always happy unless you take something away from him or if he loses sight of his Mama.  He got croup last week and had his first dose of medicine from a doctor!  We had one rough night with croup (fever almost 103, bad stridor, threw up 2 times, couldn't sleep) but after the steroids the doctor gave him, he's fever, cough and stridor went away!
sneak peak of our family photos & Will's one year photos

Sleeping--All night still.  We put him down around 7:15ish after putting on PJs and reading a book and he sleeps until about 7:30ish.  He wakes up happy and just plays until someone comes to get him.  He will still sleep on Daddy for naps after lunch on the weekends and this past week, he would nap for about 45 minutes, and then cry, and then sleep on me for another 45 minutes.  I think walking around everywhere is making him nap more!  Yes!!

Clothes--12-18 mths and 18 mths.  There are a few 12 mth outfits he can barely still squeeze into!  Sleeping in 18 month PJs, but not very much longer!  He was leaking at night with size 3 diapers, so we try to put him in 4s for overnight.

To compare how much bigger Will is than the other 2 kiddos at one:
Kate at one--19 lbs 2 oz and 28 inches
Alex at one-20 lbs 11 oz and 28 1/2 inches
Will at one-23.75 lbs (85%)  and 31 inches (88%)

he loves Maui.  She lets him do anything to her!

He almost always sleeps with his butt in the air!

poor thing--he is spending alot of time in his car seat this summer!

walking around

He somehow did this to his shirt while sleeping

sleeping on me

at a playdate

happy boy

sleeping on me again

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