Thursday, July 23, 2009

My happy 10 mth old baby!!

Kate turned 10 months old on Tuesday!! I can't believe it! She is still such a happy joyful baby. She loves to dance and claps all the time! She loves books and loves to be read to. She likes to eat, and I sometimes wonder how she is so small with all that she eats! She loves cheese, yogurt, baby puffs and of course Cheerios! She also loves the water and likes to splash me! She is cruising all over the furniture and as you can see on the video she loves to push her toy that is on wheels. She can stand by herself but only for a few seconds. I feel like she is going to be walking soon. She is still sleeping all through the night, and I am down to only breastfeeding her twice a day. My only complaint is that she doesn't nap much during the day! She will maybe take a 45 minute nap all day!! Also, she seems to be going through a "I only want Mommy or Daddy" stage. It was horrible while we were on our trip because she hardly let anyone else hold her but Mike or myself. It's really weird because a few months ago, she would let anyone hold her. Hopefully she grows out of this!

As you can see in these photos, her hair has gotten much longer and is getting more blond. She took really great 10 month photos!

Click here for her 10 mth photos

1 comment:

makeupmom said...

That is so funny, Ellie loves cheese and yogurt too. And Ellie also has major separation anxiety, even at night sometimes too. I am volunteering at Grayson's preschool this week and she screams bloody murder if I step five feet away from her! I hope it lets up a little bit, too.