Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Will at one month

Well, we have survived the first month of having 3 kids!  Will turned a month old on Saturday and what a joy he is!  So far he seems to be a good baby like Kate was.  He is only up once a night to eat, so I'm sleeping from about 11 until 3 and then from about 3:30 until 7 every night.  He was 10 lbs 3 oz at his 2 week appointment and this was when Dr Owens said he could go 5 hours without eating and then I developed mastitis that same day!!  So I had to wait a few more days until I could go 5 hours.  I am doing better, I caught it pretty early!  Will seems to eat about every 2-3 hours during the day and has started to fix his eyes on things.  He is in size 1 diapers and about to grow out of 0-3 month clothes and into 3 month clothes.  I still can't believe how big he is! People were asking me "how many months is he" when he was only 2 weeks old!
 Kate and Alex have adjusted pretty well.  Kate is my little helper but sometimes she is a little too much in Will's business!  Alex is still the sweet little boy he has always been, but I can tell that he misses his Mama from time to time.

All and all, I am so happy we are now a family of 5!!

Here are some photos of Will at 1 month old.

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