Monday, July 27, 2015

Our week

I took the 4 kiddos bowling!  I think I was feeling very brave!

 Will and Trudy hanging out together

Kate has continued to read 20 minutes every day during the week, so we went to claim her prize for reading at the round rock library.  Their summer program is all about super heroes!

 Kate attended a baking class on Thursday.  She made a big cookie and decorated 4 sugar cookies.

Aunt Jes picked up Kate from her cooking class so the boys and I headed to CEC.

 Jes volunteered to watch the boys so we could have a date night!!  Kate went to spend the night with Gram and PawPaw,
 This is the super cute and outfit and shoes that Aunt Jes got for Kate.
Aunt Jes and the boys

On Friday morning, since Kate was gone, Alex, Will and I went back to CEC.  Alex still can't believe that we ate lunch there!  He had a blast and even won enough tickets for the monster truck he really wanted!

 After CEC, we picked up Aberlee and headed to the library to see Nancy and her friends show.  It was super funny!!
 Then Friday night, Mike and I had another date night!!  Gram and PawPaw watched the kids for us.  We went to Capitol Comedy club and had a blast!!

While Kate was at Gram and PawPaw's she lost tooth number 5!!!!!

We headed out to IHOP Saturday morning

Trudy and Will together during movie night

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