Monday, September 8, 2014

First Day of Soccer games!!

Mike got the uniforms Friday night and was so excited that he was able to switch with people and get the colors he wanted for each team.  Orange for Alex's team and Green for Kate's team.  Kate had been sick on Thursday and missed school Friday, but I guess since her strep test came back negative and she only had fever for one day it was just a virus.  She said she wanted to play!

First up was Alex's game.  He refused to play.  Along with another boy on the team and Aberlee stopped playing about half way though the game, so 3 of our players played almost the whole game.  Buddy's BFF Reese even almost made a goal!!

Kate and Jax ready to cheer

Go Ninjas!

Next was Kate's team turn.  Now this game was like at 2pm and was sooo hot.  I don't know how those kiddos were doing all that running!  Luckily, Mike and the other teams coach agreed to shorten the quarters since it was so hot.  Kate did really well and almost made her first goal!!!

the incredible hulks

Can't wait for next week!!

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