Our Saturdays have been taken over by SOCCER. Mike is coaching both Kate and Alex's teams and doing a super great job!! I love being a soccer Mom and couldn't be prouder of both Kate and Alex!
Here is Kate modeling her soccer uniform and matching headband.
Alex refused to play in his first two games, but was saying that he was going to play this week. At pictures before his game, he was crying,so Mike asked me to leave. Kate and I headed over to the playground and watched the game from there. We could see the field and after Alex sat for a while I could see him up warming up with his team. Then the game started and he seemed to be playing! Kate and I couldn't believe it! We were so excited! We went over and then there he was--our Buddy playing soccer!!! So exciting!!
with his BFF |
he almost made a goal!! |
Kate and Leeann |
waiting for Kate's game to start |
go Spiderman-Ninjas!!
Saturday was a great day of soccer. Kate scored her first goal and Alex played in her first game!! We left Kate's game and then went to a birthday party. Sunday Alex had another game and we couldn't believe it, but Alex scored 6 goals!!