Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Alex at 14 months

Alex turned 14 months yesterday.  He is a very busy 14 month old & for sure keeps me on my toes!

He loves most of all to eat I think!  He asks for "crackers" all day long & when he wakes up & when it is close to lunch & dinner, he will sign eat to me & head to the gate to go downstairs.  And he is always quick to sign more when he wants more to eat!!  He will also say "cup" when he wants to drink.  Besides crackers, I think fruit is his favorite thing to eat.

Poor Alex, I feel like he always has some sort of bruise on his forehead.  A few weeks ago, we were in Academy & he fell out of the shopping cart!! I was worried we needed to go to the Dr office, but he seemed fine ( thanks to google for info on when to go & not to go).  He had a huge bruise on his forehead & when it went away, of course it was replaced with another one!!!  He still loves to climb in & on top of everything!

He loves to make animal sounds!  So far he can make the sounds of the following animals:

He still loves books & loves to point out the things he knows!  He has really taken a love for Elmo for some reason.  We have a small tickle me Elmo & he just loves it!  He will tickle Elmo & say "tickle, tickle.". He will also sing with Elmo.  Everywhere we go he is on Elmo alert!  He doesn't say Elmo, he says "mel-mo".  It's so cute!!

The cutest thing he tries to say is banana!  He sticks his tongue out while he is saying to say it, so funny!

He loves to copy Kate lately.  He will pick up his pant leg & say "boo-boo" because Kate always has boo-boos on her legs!  He loves to spin in circles to music & dance just like Kate.  He gets so excited to see her & no one can make Alex laugh like Kate can.  This weekend they were actually playing nice with each other.

He still isn't interested in watching TV at all.  On our way to the dino park on Saturday morning, Kate was happy to watch a movie on the 45 minute drive there, but Alex was just talking the whole way!!  I think it is going to be a long trip to St.Louis for Christmas!

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