This year Thanksgiving marks 8 years ago that we moved into our old house and our first Thanksgiving in our new house. Exciting stuff!
My family wasn't coming in until Friday so it was just the four of us for Thanksgiving day. We took a walk in our neighborhood and played at a park in the morning and I guess that was about it. Kate told us that she was thankful for kittens, dogs, toys, presents and toys. She is so funny!
Katiebug |
Friday we all went to see the new Muppet movie. I knew it was a bad idea to take Alex, but both Kate and Alex are on a Mommy kick right now and when Mike tried to take Kate by himself to see the movie, she threw a huge fit. So here we were all at the movie. Kate and Mike watched the movie, while I chased Alex around. Fun times! After nap time we headed out to my sisters to meet up with the family and have dinner. My Aunt Julie and my cousins James and Emily drove in from East Texas and my parents drove in from South Texas. Kate was so excited to see James and Emily!!
Emily, Kate and James |
Alex joined in |
Alex and his Aunt Jes |
Saturday was our family Thanksgiving at our house. Julie and I set the table for 11 and waited for the food! Brian cooked a very yummy turkey and my Mom and sister made cornbread dressing, dirty rice, rolls, sweet potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole,mashed potatoes and we had pies for dessert. I took the day off from my diet and eat everything!! It was all so good!! We ate at 12 and then laid around until we left my Mom with our sleeping kiddos and went out to do some shopping. We played some games, watched tv and tried to see the house with the music to lights show. It was a great Thanksgiving in our new beautiful home!
Alex and his Great Aunt Julie |
Emily and Kate watching Home Alone 2 |
Our Thanksgiving table |
Alex with his Aunt and Uncle |
Papa Jamey with Alex and me |
On a sad note, Kate was coughing ALL day on Saturday and I noticed in the late afternoon that she was wheezing. She had not complained at all all day until she told me that she "needed some medicine." She went to bed without much problem and then woke up around 10 screaming! Poor baby. She was scaring me because she was breathing like 60 times a minute, nasal flaring and sternal retactions, along with the cough and wheezing. The RT in me knew she was having trouble breathing, so I decided to give her a breathing treatment and see if that helped. She hated the treatment, but it did seem to help. We watched tv until about 12:30 and then we slept until 3:30 when she woke up and told me she needed medicine again. Poor baby. I gave her some and then we slept until 5 and I gave her another breathing treatment. We headed to the doctor at 8. She had a breathing treatment and a chest x-ray at the doctor's office due to her saturation only being in the low 90's. The doctor said that she had double ear infections and the beginning of pneumonia. She is on steroids, antibiotics and the breathing treatments every 4 hours. We had a movie day yesterday and we were able to get two doses of the antibiotic in her by bedtime so she was really feeling better by then. She slept all night and I didn't have the heart to wake her up for the breathing treatments. I woke up and checked on her, but she wasn't wheezing too bad so I let her sleep until 5. She is doing much better today and her respiratory rate is FINALLY back to normal!! She gets sick so fast it scares me! Thank goodness for good medicine! Looks like we will be spending most of this week at home!
We hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving!