Friday, April 22, 2011

Home ALL week

Well, remember me saying that while in Houston, one of my friend's twins, Jake, was throwing up? Well I woke up Monday morning to find Kate throwing up. Poor thing. She threw up most of the morning so we just cuddled on the couch & watched movies all day. She didn't want to eat & drank very little. She threw up once before bed & then slept all night & then seemed a little better on Tuesday. We played outside & she ate some PB crackers & strawberries & didn't throw up again until I gave her some cantaloupe (my bad!!). Wednesday she just laid on the couch ALL day. She looked so sad!! Yesterday & today she seems a little better but she kepts saying "my tummy hurts." She still isn't eating well, but I think she is getting better. Mike & Alex seem fine, but as Kate says "my tummy hurts."

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