Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Trip to Mt Rushmore

Mike and I left on Friday for a little get away, without the kids!!  Gram and PawPaw were nice enough to watch the kiddos for us.

We left Friday morning for Denver.  Once there, we headed to the first Chipotle!!

Then we headed to Estes park.  We found our hotel and then drove around the Rocky Mountain National Park.  Not all the roads were open, but we enjoyed what we did see.  Lots of Rocky Mountains, snow, and LOTs of elk.  Oh and some wild turkeys.

The next morning we headed out on our 5 hour drive to South Dakota to see Mt Rushmore.  First we drove through mountains and then we hit Wyoming.  We went through a town that had a population of 4 and drove like an hour without going through a town!  We did see tumbleweeds, which were cool!  It was nice weather and just a beautiful drive.  We got to South Dakota and headed to Mt Rushmore.

Really neat!!  Then we drove through the ghost town that Mt Rushmore is in, everything is closed until May.  We headed to Rapid City and had a nice dinner and walked around their downtown.

On Sunday we headed out to Wind Cave National Park.  Inside the Park we saw Buffalo.  On our way there, we drove down a rode that seriously had one lane bridges made out of logs (like you would make a log cabin with) and one lane tunnels through Stone!!  Very crazy rode and we were afraid at any moment it would be closed!!  Very much an adventure!!!

inside cave

We left the park and headed back to Denver.  We were not so lucky with the weather this time.  We seriously drove through a blizzard!!!  It was raining, then snowing--snowing ALOT!!  We finally made it to Denver and hang out in the LoDo downtown area.

We didn't do much on Monday in Denver and then headed home.

The kiddos had a blast with Gram and PawPaw.  Here are some pictures from their weekend.

 They were exhausted after school yesterday!  And maybe going through sugar withdrawal!!

Kids spring photos at school

Yes, she will have a Pre-K graduation

love thes kiddos!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Trip to Alice for Easter

Thursday afternoon the kids and I headed to Alice for Easter.  Mike had a little outpatient surgery on Tuesday, so we left him home to recover.  Thursday night was filled with seeing the cows and the kids getting to stay up late!  Friday morning we headed into town so the kids could both get a much needed hair cut.  Then after Uncle Brian and Aunt Jes arrived we all headed over to the pond to catch some fish!

Alex catch his first fish!!!

We checked on the cows again after having an amazing fish fry for dinner!
My Mom's longhorn with her new baby

We also met my parents new puppy, Rebecca.

Saturday we decided to do some kite flying. 

Kate is a pro at flying a kite now!

Alex, not so much!  This is right before he let go!

Kite in the tree

Then we dyed Easter eggs and then decorated them.

That night the Easter Bunny (and Meme and Gram) made a visit:
Presents from Meme

Presents from Gram:

And finally from the Easter Bunny:

Next the dogs as bunnies:

Then a friendly game of Cascarones (confetti filled eggs)

so much fun!!!  4 dozen eggs went quick!!

We had such a blast!!!  Thanks to my parents to having us!!!