Mike has been gone since my last blog post!! He left March 8 for Peru to see Machu Picchu with his brother. Here is a picture he sent me of Machu Picchu:

I was excited for him to go, but not looking forward to almost 2 weeks of having the kiddos without him. He is such a huge help with the kids and I knew it was going to be hard around here without him!! The first few days were ok, until Friday night when Kate woke me up screaming and I found her covering in throw up! Yes, this was our first experience with throw up. It was a nice 2 1/2 years without it!! And I learned that there is no way to tell a 2 1/2 year old to throw up in a bucket!! Poor thing! We were up half the night with her throwing up about 3-4 times. All day Saturday she just had water and crackers until dinner. Everything I gave her stayed down and by Sunday morning she woke up saying "Eat, Eat" like she usually does! Either Alex or I got this so I guess it was just a bug she picked up at school.
I somehow talked my Mom into coming up here to help me with the kids while Mike was gone. She got here Friday night but stayed with my sister until Sunday (due to the throwing up). She was here from Sunday night until Wednesday afternoon! It was so nice to have her here! The kids & I both enjoyed having her here!

She was such a big help and she even watched the kids so I could go out to dinner with my dear friend Stephanie.
Mike flies in tomorrow night and I CAN NOT WAIT!! I have missed him so much!!