Last week started with Kate's Christmas program at school. Mike, Alex and I attended and watched Kate and her class sing Jingle Bells. My throat was bothering me a little bit on Monday and by Tuesday afternoon I was running fever and felt awful! Mike took over kid duty, thank goodness, and I headed in to see the doctor Wednesday morning. The doctor wasn't sure what was wrong really, I thought I had strep throat and he thought I had the start of a sinus infection and maybe even mono. I started an antibiotic and probably didn't feel much better until Friday morning. Kate was out of school and I canceled the play date we were going to hold on Thursday morning, so sad. We were supposed to leave Saturday morning for St. Louis for Christmas to visit Mike's sister and his family, but we decided to leave Friday afternoon. We thought it might be easier with the kids for us to drive at night. I'm not so sure it was a good idea. Kate was happy watching movies and when we turned off the movies at 8:30 or so she went to sleep. Alex on the other hand was a different story. Poor baby. He would fall asleep and then wake up whining 10 minutes later and this went on forever it seemed! We stopped for gas at around 10ish and after that Alex was happy and yelling "ta da" and making noises by putting his hand up to his mouth and moving it back and forth. He was like this for a while and then went back to sleeping for 10 minutes or so and then whining. He was so sad and I was unable to sleep, but Kate got some sleep. We got to Kristin's around 2AM. We left home at about noon. It was a long trip but we are so happy to be here!!
It was so exciting to meet our niece Aberlee, who Alex calls her "Abbie." Both kids have been super sweet with her and have loved playing with her toys.
We bathed all 3 of them together:
cousin Aberlee |
the cousins all in the tub |
Aberlee | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |