My mom came to visit this weekend & here are some pictures I took of her & the kids! It was a great weekend with her here!! Too bad she can't come every weekend!! We had a blast at the outlet mall Saturday morning. Alex isn't as good as a shopper as Kate is, but he did ok! Then Saturday night, my Mom and sister watched both kids so Mike and I could have a VERY much needed night out!! We saw Jackass 3D, which wasn't very 3D, and had dinner and then looked at treadmills at Academy. It was so nice to spend some time together!! Thank you so much MeMe and Jes!!!
Kate LOVES to take pictures with my camera!! She somehow knows how to turn it on and then take pictures!! She is so funny--she will always say "cheese" when she hits the button to take a picture!! Here are some pictures we took of ourselves!
Uncle Brian and Aunt Jes were nice enough to watch Alex for us Saturday morning so we could take Kate to the Elgin Christmas Tree farm again this year for their annual Pumpkin festival.
The morning started out well with Kate feeding the goats & looking at the other animals, but seemed to go downhill from there. I really wanted to get another cute picture of her in the pumkins like we did last year, but that didn't seem to be in Kate's plan! She saw the swings and wanted nothing to do with the pumpkins! After swinging, she had a meltdown when we took her off the swings and we headed over to ride the hay ride. She did seem to like the hayride I guess. We got off and she loved playing on the money bars with Mike, But then she had another meltdown . . . . We decided to ride the hay ride for a while, and then see if we could try to take some pictures with the pumpkins. Here is our attempt: Well, those pictures are about the best we could get. The only way I could even get here to sit there was to give her my Iphone which she loves to play with. I think it is going to be a long year with her as being 2! I was so looking forward to a morning where Mike and I could give her all our attention and do something fun, but oh man, were we ready to leave after 2 hours with our 2 year old!!! So maybe next year will be better!! I think this last picture sums up the morning perfectly!!
Alex at one month old! I am going to try to take a picture of Alex each month with the football. I'm afraid he will be bigger than that football in no time!! He seems to be getting more chunky than he is getting longer! He is still eating about every 2-3 hours during the day and sleeping about 4-5 hours at night between feedings. I usually only have to get up with him once or twice during the night. He is a good sleeper!! He does seem to be alot more fussier than Kate ever was, he will cry (the ugly cry as I call it) alot in the afternoon and it seems only I can calm him down. I think I might have the making of a Mama's boy on my hands and well, that is ok by me!! I love my little man!