Height: 30 inches (60%)
weight: 21 lbs 11 oz (25%)
head: 45.7 ( 35%)
Dr Owens says she looks great! She is worried that Kate isn't talking yet, said she should know 3-5 words by 18 months. So we will see. Kate ran fever all day Monday so Mike & I figured she had
an ear infection since she had had fluid in her ears on our visit for her cough so we started her on an antibiotic. But her ears look fine, so she said maybe she did have an infection & it had already cleared up or maybe she had a sinus infection. She got 4 shots & handled them great!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Now that Kate is 15 mths I knew it was time to start letting her fed herself with a spoon her morning yoguat. So this morning, I gave her the spoon and the yo baby yoguat and to my surprise- she did it!!!! I have uploaded a video, so check it out to your right!! She really made a mess but she had a great time. It made me sad- she is growing up tooo fast!!! Where did my baby go?
We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
So I noticed that Kate was putting her hands in her mouth alot today, so I felt around in her mouth and I felt MOLARS on the bottom!! Wow!!
Kristin Christmas
Monday, December 14, 2009
Lovin' Zyrtec
Kate has been coughing off & on since Thanksgiving. After both of us not sleeping due to coughing- I decided it was time to visit the Dr. So unfortunely the doctor thinks it's allergies. So Kate & I are now both taking Zyrtec! I really hope it helps her like it has me!!
Kate's first Picture with Santa
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas at the Layssard Ranch
This past weekend we took a trip down to Alice, Tx for my family's Christmas get together. And boy was it the right weather in Texas to celebrate Christmas!! It was snowing in Dallas and Houston, and COLD enough in Alice to snow!!! Crazy! So Jes, her puppies, Mike, Kate and I all made the trip together on Friday afternoon to Alice. Brian had gone down earlier in the week to go fishing & hurting. We woke up Saturday morning and opened all our presents! Kate actually had fun taking bows apart and opening her presents!

Check out the rest of the photos
Check out the rest of the photos
Our sweet baby
I just love how sweet Kate is!! She was in her pack n play playing while I was taking my shower and when I picked her up after getting ready she gave me a kiss!! She is always trying to kiss any animal or stuffed animal that she sees. She also has started to wave at everyone she sees!! She is just too sweet!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Kate is getting two more teeth!
So I noticed yesterday that Kate is getting in two more teeth!! Yeah!
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