Friday, October 30, 2009
Walk to the Park
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Kate can finally stand up by herself!! I feel like I have been waiting forever for her to learn how to do this!! Go Kate!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Halloween party
We attended our first Halloween Party as a family this weekend! It was super fun! It was so cute to see all of Kate's little friends all dressed up! I was so excited to be able to put Kate in the ladybug custom that Aunt Kristin made for her! It is so cute! And Mike and I also dressed up!
Kate is so funny right now just walking everywhere!! We even let her push her beloved toy stroller all the way to the little park by our house all by herself. She loved being outside. She likes to watch the cars go by and sliding all by herself!
We hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Pumpkin Festival
Click here to see all the photos

This weekend we took Kate to the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm for their annual Pumpkin Festival. It was a beautiful day on Saturday and we had a great day filled with lots of animals, pumpkins and a hayride. Kate had a great time, she especially liked just being able to walk around! She petted lots of different animals and loved the hayride. One of the funniest things happened while we were there, we were walking by a family with a 10 mth old baby and Kate stopped and looked at this baby and just started her baby talk to this baby! She talked for about 5 minutes to this baby and she kept pointing to things--it was really funny!
She is still walking alot, but still has not learned how to stand up by herself. She loves the "itsy bitsy spider" and even does special arm movements when she wants me to sing it!! She has also learned to go down a slide by herself!! She now knows where all the lights are in the house-we ask her "where is the light" and she will reach up and point to the light.
This weekend we took Kate to the Elgin Christmas Tree Farm for their annual Pumpkin Festival. It was a beautiful day on Saturday and we had a great day filled with lots of animals, pumpkins and a hayride. Kate had a great time, she especially liked just being able to walk around! She petted lots of different animals and loved the hayride. One of the funniest things happened while we were there, we were walking by a family with a 10 mth old baby and Kate stopped and looked at this baby and just started her baby talk to this baby! She talked for about 5 minutes to this baby and she kept pointing to things--it was really funny!
She is still walking alot, but still has not learned how to stand up by herself. She loves the "itsy bitsy spider" and even does special arm movements when she wants me to sing it!! She has also learned to go down a slide by herself!! She now knows where all the lights are in the house-we ask her "where is the light" and she will reach up and point to the light.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Check out Kate's teeth!!
Check out the new videos too!!
Not too much happened here last week. I took Kate to have her ONE year photos taken, I will post them later this week when I pick them up. Mike was in the Wall Street Journal, not his name but just a mention of an email he had sent one of the writers. This writer actually taked to Warren Buffett about Mike!! Crazy!
Kate and I went to the very muddy Pflugerville fest on Saturday while Mike was tailgating. The weather here has been very rainly so lots of time in PJs! Kate has started to take almost 3 hour naps in the afternoons so I am trying to adjust to all this new time I have! That's all for now!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Kate is blowing Kisses!!
Kate finally has learned how to blow kisses!! It is just the cutest thing. Friday at the park I was swinging her and she just started blowing me kisses!! I thought I was going to cry! She has also started to wave bye bye a lot more. On Saturday, we went to Manor with Jes and Brian to see the ManorFest. The parade was super tiny, but we had fun, maybe it will be bigger next year! I just loved the beauty queen who was being pulled by a tracker!!
We took her one year pictures today--she would NOT smile while we were there, but I did get some cute ones anyways!
Be sure to check out our new videos!
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