Height: 30 inches (60%)
weight: 21 lbs 11 oz (25%)
head: 45.7 ( 35%)
Dr Owens says she looks great! She is worried that Kate isn't talking yet, said she should know 3-5 words by 18 months. So we will see. Kate ran fever all day Monday so Mike & I figured she had
an ear infection since she had had fluid in her ears on our visit for her cough so we started her on an antibiotic. But her ears look fine, so she said maybe she did have an infection & it had already cleared up or maybe she had a sinus infection. She got 4 shots & handled them great!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Now that Kate is 15 mths I knew it was time to start letting her fed herself with a spoon her morning yoguat. So this morning, I gave her the spoon and the yo baby yoguat and to my surprise- she did it!!!! I have uploaded a video, so check it out to your right!! She really made a mess but she had a great time. It made me sad- she is growing up tooo fast!!! Where did my baby go?
We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
So I noticed that Kate was putting her hands in her mouth alot today, so I felt around in her mouth and I felt MOLARS on the bottom!! Wow!!
Kristin Christmas
Monday, December 14, 2009
Lovin' Zyrtec
Kate has been coughing off & on since Thanksgiving. After both of us not sleeping due to coughing- I decided it was time to visit the Dr. So unfortunely the doctor thinks it's allergies. So Kate & I are now both taking Zyrtec! I really hope it helps her like it has me!!
Kate's first Picture with Santa
Monday, December 7, 2009
Christmas at the Layssard Ranch
This past weekend we took a trip down to Alice, Tx for my family's Christmas get together. And boy was it the right weather in Texas to celebrate Christmas!! It was snowing in Dallas and Houston, and COLD enough in Alice to snow!!! Crazy! So Jes, her puppies, Mike, Kate and I all made the trip together on Friday afternoon to Alice. Brian had gone down earlier in the week to go fishing & hurting. We woke up Saturday morning and opened all our presents! Kate actually had fun taking bows apart and opening her presents!

Check out the rest of the photos
Check out the rest of the photos
Our sweet baby
I just love how sweet Kate is!! She was in her pack n play playing while I was taking my shower and when I picked her up after getting ready she gave me a kiss!! She is always trying to kiss any animal or stuffed animal that she sees. She also has started to wave at everyone she sees!! She is just too sweet!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Kate is getting two more teeth!
So I noticed yesterday that Kate is getting in two more teeth!! Yeah!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Funny pictures of KatieBug
Here are some funny pictures that Mike has taken of our KatieBug:
We were at the library and this is a book Kate took off the shelf to look at!
Her PIG face
Our Thanksgiving
We traveled to Lufkin,Tx for Thanksgiving again this year. We left Thursday morning and had a great Thanksgiving! It was filled with lots of family, food and football!! We had a great time. Kate loved seeing my cousins Emily and James. My Mom and I took Kate, James and Emily to the zoo on Friday afternoon. James pushed Kate in the stroller the whole time! He is really super cute with her! We also took the kids on a train ride. Saturday we spend the morning with the Walker family in Lufkin and then headed to Houston.
I hope everyone had as great of a Thanksgiving as we did!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kate is a Dancing Queen!
Check out the new video of Kate dancing! It isn't the best video-it was on my iphone, I will try to get a better one this week! She just loves dancing! I will sometimes find her in her bed in the morning dancing to the music that her glow worm plays!! She moves her hips and it is just the cutest thing! She has learned to turn in a circle and enjoys doing that.
Here are some pictures from this week at the park and with my sister's dogs:

Here are some pictures from this week at the park and with my sister's dogs:
Friday, November 20, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Walk for Diabetes

This past week was busy!! Monday I attended a really great card making class with Jes and walked away with 8 beautiful cards(thanks Renee!) I hope this is something Jes and I can do every month. Tuesday, Kate and I spent the morning at Jungle Java with Cassie and Jax and then that night I got to catch up with my friend Stephanie (finally!) Wednesday, Kate and I went to our weekly Music class and then we went to Jes and Brian's for dinner. Thursday night I went out with friends to celebrate a 30th b-day!! Such a fun night! Kate, my Mom and I walked Saturday morning for Diabetes and had a great time! We spent the rest of the day shopping and then Mike and I had date night with friends on Saturday night. Then Sunday I went with Stephanie to check out the place where she will be getting married in June-- it is so beautiful!!
Kate is getting so much better at her walking skills! She was being really good about holding my hand and walking where I wanted her to go, but that seems to be coming to an end. She has started to realize that she sometimes wants to go where I don't and she gets so mad when we don't! She will throw a little fit. I am amazed at how strong she is to pull "me" where "she" wants to go! She is super friendly, she waves at everyone everywhere we go!! Its really sweet!
Be sure to check out the new video of Kate on the slide!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Capitol of Texas Zoo!

I have to say the highlights of our week last week was our trip to the Capital of Texas Zoo here in Austin and our trip to Aquarena Springs in San Marcos! On Thursday Kate and I meet up with some friends from our Moms group and had a great time at the zoo! Kate loved looking at all the animals and petting the ones that she could. She was able to pet goats,a very friendly camel,a pony, and pigs. I decided to let her walk on her own and she did a really good job! She loved picking up rocks and just being able to walk around! On Sunday we meet up with my friend from high school Karen and her son Tucker to take a ride on the glass bottom boats at Aquarena Springs in San Marcos. It was really neat! We had a nice lunch with the kiddos and it was great to catch up with Karen!
As for progress with Kate, I have started to work on signing with Kate and so far she has learned "all done." One of my friends let me make of copy of her Baby Signing Time video and Kate really loves it!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Walk 11-09
Our Halloween!
Kate went Trick-or-Treating for the first time!! Very fun! My Mom was in this weekend for the Susan G. Koman walk on Sunday. So on Saturday, Jes, Mom and I spent some time at the outlet Mall in Round Rock! We had a great time buying each other Christmas presents! Then that night, Brian cooked the BEST meal!! Steaks, sausage, baked potatoes, salad, bread--sooo good!! Kate loved the sausage and the steak! Then we dressed Kate in her Lady bug custom and set out in Jes & Brian's neighborhood! She had a great time walking around!! She had alot of fun! It was so cute to see her walk up and wave and take the candy! (check out the video of her first trick-or-treating!) After walking around we sang happy birthday to Brian (whose b-day is next weekend) and had cake. It was a great Halloween!
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